Saturday, May 8, 2010

Welcome to Johnny Says

Glad you made it this far.

Johnny hopes that his ramblings will give you insights, philosophies and cultures of today’s creative and advertising industry, as well as addressing typical myths. Well, maybe not always the industry, but most of the time lamenting about work, clients, projects, pitches, bitches, etc.

Come share the experience, frustration and passion with Johnny as he tells you his tale.

OH! All statements made in this blog, however silly or offensive, are not intended to hurt anyone or organisation. It is purely Johnny's perception of the industry today.

Every site needs a disclaimer doesn't they? An easy way to get away from trouble with this "OH I SO DIDN'T MEAN IT BUT YET I SAID IT" sentence.

There we go *brushing hands*… Johnny's butt is insured.

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