Sunday, May 23, 2010

What is your brand promise?

Several weeks ago on a Friday, Johnny was involved in a chain collision at the ECP expressway with a city cab taxi sticking to his butt. His fave car’s butt was smashed.

Johnny was realllllllly unhappy.
Immediately on the same day, Johnny filed for the claim with his agent.

Apparently, FIRST CAPITAL INSURANCE LIMTED was the agency for the Taxi.
Check out their claims promise in the inset.

(Image source:

So... it takes 3 days to acknowledge the claim huh?

That didn’t happen.

5 working days later, the surveyor from First Capital Insurance Limited was supposed to survey the damages and the time taken for the repair.

He didn’t appear.

Furious, Johnny called First Capital Insurance Limited to make a complaint on the following Friday (1 week from claim). The girl (Johnny decided not to reveal names for privacy sake), said the Assistant Manager will contact him.

Guess what?

He didn’t call. And it was 4 working days after that complaint. (See inset again for their promise)

Johnny made the phone call again and finally— this AH BENG sounding ‘ASSISTANT MANAGER’ called THE NEXT DAY (2 weeks from claim). He cannot even pronounce Johnny’s name properly and he sounded unprofessional and impatient. Johnny was busy with a photo-shoot on that day and the assistant manager failed to call back.

First Capital Insurance Limted, what is your brand promise that you so boldly claim on the website? Where is your corporate communications department? DO YOU EVEN KNOW, THE MEANING OF A BRAND?

Clearly, you don’t.

Fellow readers, beware… over promising and under delivering is the main contributor of brand suicide. In this case, FIRST CAPITAL INSURANCE LIMITED failed to live their promise as they so boldly claim. It is all bogus.

First Capital Insurance limited will NEVER be Johnny’s insurer and Johnny hopes you stay away from them too.

Stay tuned for more brand stories. Sheesh…

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Microsoft, you are AMAZING!

13 years ago, I left you and swore I never look back,
The products you have were really, just slack.
In recent years I gave you a chance,
in hope that you’ll buck up your stance.
To my horror you don’t support div layers,
it’s a wonder why you have loyal stayers.
Outlook no longer support html edms,
isn’t it a step back to Boney M?
I salute you, Microsoft!

Isn’t it amazing to know that technology actually moves backwards? Well, at least to me, Microsoft does. Not only Outlook doesn’t support EDMs, Internet Explorer loves to jumble up your div layers that you so painstakingly designed. I almost screamed like Anne Hathaway in Bride Wars (when her hen’s night were flashed on the projector), as I saw my site being outraged and manhandled by I.E.

Oh yeah *rolls eyes*, there is a way to ‘cure’ that div layer problem with I.E. But I am not going to do it. What I have done is this (see picture). There, I really don’t quite care.

Microsoft is really quite sucky

So I implore all of you, to use all other good web browsers and email client programme other than Microsoft to avoid frustration and eventually bursting that precious blood vessel of yours.

Life is too short to suffer such nonsense. Tsk.
Remember, there are many substitutes to their programmes. Use it, and you’ll be as happy as Johnny.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Welcome to Johnny Says

Glad you made it this far.

Johnny hopes that his ramblings will give you insights, philosophies and cultures of today’s creative and advertising industry, as well as addressing typical myths. Well, maybe not always the industry, but most of the time lamenting about work, clients, projects, pitches, bitches, etc.

Come share the experience, frustration and passion with Johnny as he tells you his tale.

OH! All statements made in this blog, however silly or offensive, are not intended to hurt anyone or organisation. It is purely Johnny's perception of the industry today.

Every site needs a disclaimer doesn't they? An easy way to get away from trouble with this "OH I SO DIDN'T MEAN IT BUT YET I SAID IT" sentence.

There we go *brushing hands*… Johnny's butt is insured.