Monday, September 27, 2010

What's that sound?

Hello again.
Obviously Johnny is  bored out of his socks. Two posts in a night? That's record breaking for Johnny.

Seriously, how do you spell that sound you make when you are frustrated either with that inconsiderate man walking ever so slowly as if the road belongs to him, or the client that keeps making changes over changes.

Wanna hear what he mean? Here it is. The Sound

What do you think? With instant messenging we all use today, how do we spell that sound when we are communicating with someone?

Should it be TSK?

Johnny thinks that, since you have to purse your lips like an M before you make that sound, it makes the word a silent M.

Therefore... mmmmmCHEK!

What say you? Post your comments!

Johnny lost a big bunch of hair

Corporate Identity Page Finally Completed with Video

After months of sitting on his fat butt, Johnny decided to finally create the corporate identity page due to constant requests from clients. Tsk Tsk. Click here to visit the web page now.

Couple of weeks back, Johnny's Obessesive Design Dedicates were given a project to create a brand identity for Training Vision's Hife Club. Grinning from ear to ear, Johnny picks up his pencils and markers (no crayons please) and started to doodle.

Sketches are important to both budding and old bird* designers. Why? Here's why (this sounded suspiciously like Sue in Glee).

OLD BIRD [Veteran (vet•er•an |ˈvetərən; ˈvetrən|)]
The direct translation from the Hokkien dialect. It means a person with long experience in a particular field.

When a designer starts to sketch, the drawings are not limited to the technical capability of the DTP software such as illustrator, corel draw or even photoshop (never use photoshop for identity programmes!). This means that whatever the designer envision in his little mind, he can produce it with pencils. Going into computer straight means that the designer will have the tendency to draw something with the software tools that he is comfortable with, thus missing out great logo opportunities.

Let's take a look at the following and you'll have a clearer idea.

Aha! With these sketches, Johnny can proceed to design a good variety of logos. Of course, Johnny is not going to share the entire process (intellectual property rules apply). The complete and approved logo looks like this.
Everyone is happy, especially Johnny and his wallet.

Do remember to check out the portfolio page, as there is a Flash Video showcased. Johnny is not shouting in this huge font size, he is merely REMINDING YOU.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Eating snake

Johnny is frustrated. He is supposed to update his blog every week. Now, the weekly affair becomes a monthly affair. Bah! He might as well eat snake from his work and update his blog.
[Eat snake : Jiak Jua in Hokkien] Eat snake means loafing from work. Tsk.

Well, there are lots of things happening in Johnny's life lately. It includes a new door and a new signage. Very nice indeed. Now everyone will be able to find the ODD with the embolden facade. Everything is about EGO. The bigger the better, and the louder the clearer.

Tada! Here it is. The main signage, the door and the little details in that door. Talk about advertising, heh heh.

I know you like it. If you REALLY do, drop a comment.

Wait! There's more! Johnny is currently very busy with a branding campaign for an education membership club. More will be revealed in the next blog. Stay tune.